LG 18650 HG2 3000mAh (Brown)
Official specifications:
- Nominal Capacity: 3000mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.50V
- Standard charge: 1500mA, 4.2V, 50mA
- Max. charge voltage: 4.20V+/-0.05V
- Max. charge current: 4000mA
- Standard discharge: 600mA down to 2.5V
- Fast discharge: 10000mA, 20000mA down to 2.5V
- Max. continuous discharge: 20000mA
- Cycle life: 300 at 10A, 200 at 20A both with 4A charge, ramaning capacity minimum 70%
- Weight: 47.0g
- Operating temperature: charge 0°C ~ 50°C, discharge: -20°C ~ 75°C
- Storage temperature: 1 month: -20°C ~60°C, 3 month: -20°C ~ 45°C, 1 year: -20°C ~ 20°C
A high current and high capacity cell, that is rated for high current use.
The discharge curves tracks perfectly.
At 20A the cell reaches 81°C, but first after discharge has terminated.
At 30A I terminated due to temperature, but the cell do reach 90°C after termination.
Ignore the A charge curve, there was a glitch on my equipment.
This is a very good high current cell and it is rated to be used at high charge/discharge rates.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries